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Dr. Scott E. Hayhurst, General & Cosmetic Dentist in Boise, ID

Dr. Scott E. Hayhurst


Dr. Hayhurst was born and raised in Idaho but also lived in Alabama and Oregon as his father served in The United States Air Force. His father, a Lt. Col, Pilot, and MBA, and his mother, a school teacher, instilled the value of hard work and setting goals in Dr. Hayhurst from a young age.

Dr. Hayhurst attended Weber State University and played basketball his freshman year as a redshirt. After completing a 2-year service mission for his church in Columbus, OH, he attended Dixie University and resumed playing basketball. Due to knee injuries his basketball career ended, but his studies did not! Dr. Hayhurst attended Utah State University for 3 years before attending The University of Louisville School of Dentistry for 4 years and graduated with his DMD degree in 2001.

Dr. Hayhurst has been married to his beautiful wife, Jessica, since 1995 and together, they have been blessed with 4 wonderful children: Austin, Tanner, Kate and Jackson. His hobbies include spending time with his family, basketball, sports, boating, outdoors, golf, travel, and cars.

Dr. Hayhurst has been a general and cosmetic dentist since 2001. He has treated thousands of patients with his patient-first approach focusing on complete, gentle, and personalized dental care.

Dr. Hayhurst served as the NBA’s G-league Idaho Stampede team dentist for over 10 years.

Gina, A Treatment Coordinator at Scott E. Hayhurst Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Boise, ID


Treatment Coordinator

Gina graduated Milan Institute dental assistant program in 2011. She loves the dental field and moved over to the front office and has been handling the financial aspects of patient’s dental care. Gina’s loves bonding with patient’s and her team. Gina has been with her husband for 13 years and has 2 talented children ages 14 and 10. If Gina isn’t at work, you can find her on the Softball or Baseball field. In her free time, she travels with her sports club family to tournaments around the states, she also enjoys camping, fishing and spending time with her family.

Kalley, Treatment Coordinator at Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry


Treatment Coordinator

Hello, my name is Kalley. I was raised in New Plymouth, ID and recently moved back to Idaho from Colorado where I resided for 23 years. I have been in the dental field since 1998. I started as a Dental Assistant working in Orthodontics, Pediatrics, Oral Surgery, Cosmetic and General. I was trained to work front office half way through my career and loved it. I love every aspect of Dentistry and seeing people regain their confidence and health through a new smile and healthy mouth! I look forward to meeting each and every one of you!

When I am not at work, I love spending time in the sunshine, taking road trips to see my fantastic friends, watching live sports, concerts and spending time with my amazing family here in Boise! I have a daughter serving in the Coast Guard whom I am very proud of and love spending time with her when she has the time.

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours”- unknown

Betty, Treatment Coordinator at Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry


Treatment Coordinator

I started in the Dental field in 1976. I received my training as a dental assistant and later moved to the front desk. I have seen a lot of good changes in the dental field since then. In 2004 I joined Dr. Hayhurst’s office in Star and retired in 2014 and now work part-time in the Boise office. I have lived in Idaho all my life. My husband and I enjoy travelling and camping with our family and friends. I enjoy cooking with my four grandchildren as well. Some of my hobbies are reading, sewing, beading and cross stitching. I am very blessed to work with Dr. Hayhurst and his team.

Shawn, Treatment Coordinator at Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry


Treatment Coordinator

I relocated to Idaho in January of 2016 from Santa Clarita, CA. I came to Idaho to experience a greater quality of life and enjoy the outdoors and all it has to offer. I am a Grandmother of four and have two beautiful daughters who still reside in California, hopefully they will decide to relocate as well. I started my Dentistry career in 2011 in California, with a General Dentist whom I worked for five years. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking with my boyfriend and two dogs, Camping, floating the river, and long walks on the greenbelt.

Teri, Dental Hygienist at Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry


Registered Dental Hygienist

I’m Teri Cline RDH, OM. I grew up in Yakima, Washington and moved to Boise in 1990, working in the valley as a dental assistant. I graduated from AIHT in 2002 with my AAS in dental hygiene. For the last couple of years, I have been studying my-functional therapy and Buteyko treating re-education. I am currently working towards my certification and look forward to yet another way to help my patients achieve greater overall health and wellness. Outside of my career, I have 3 kids and we love to travel, be in the outdoors and live music! I live in the East End and you can typically catch me and my golden doodle hiking the foothills or running through the neighborhood.

rasario headshot


Registered Dental Hygienist

Rosario has been a hygienist since 2018. She has experience working as an assistant as well. She also has a range of other certifications, including in local anesthesia, HIPAA, and OSHA. On weekends, Rosario loves to camp, boat, and cycle as well as paint ceramics with her daughter. Her hidden talent is bringing old wooden furniture back to life.

Christine, Dental Assistant at Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry


Registered Dental Assistant

Christine is a graduate from Boise high and from The Academy of Professional Careers where she became a Registered Dental Assistant in 2005. She worked in pediatric dentistry and endodontic specialty practices before joining our team in March of 2018. Christine is cheerful, always ready to help, and friendly with patients and team members. She is passionate about the dental field and loves what she does. An Idaho native, Christine loves the outdoors and all that Idaho has to offer. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, reading, running, and spending time with her two children and family.



Registered Dental Assistant

I am originally from Burbank CA, but grew up here, in the Valley. I have been a Dental assistant since 2013. I love helping people feel more confident about their smile and over all oral health. I take pride in my career. I have a daughter who is my best friend. When I’m not working I like to go to concerts with friends.