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Gentle and Personalized Dental Care in Boise, ID

$99 New Patient Special: Includes cleaning, exam, and X-rays

Gentle and Personalized Dental Care in Boise, ID

$99 New Patient Special: Includes cleaning, exam, and X-rays

Gentle and Personalized Dental Care in Boise, ID

$99 New Patient Special: Includes cleaning, exam, and X-rays

A Patient-First Approach

Through a unique education-first, caring approach, our team listens to each patient’s needs and their dental history. We provide each patient with a comprehensive understanding of their specific dental care plan for good long-term oral health care. Our patient-first approach has positioned us as one of the top dentists in Boise.

Meet Our Staff

The Highest Level of Service

The goal of our team of dental specialists is to provide you with the highest level of service in a comfortable environment. Your well-being is of the utmost importance to Dr. Hayhurst and the staff. At Scott Hayhurst Family Dental, we go above and beyond to provide you with the care you deserve.

Smiles That Last a Lifetime

Scott Hayhurst Family Dental provides complete, gentle and personalized care in the Treasure Valley. Dr. Hayhurst and our team of dental specialists strive to improve the health and appearance of your teeth by focusing on preventing, diagnosing, treating, and patient education.

General and Cosmetic Dentistry for dental patients in Boise, ID

Family, Cosmetic, and Emergency Dentistry

Dr. Hayhurst has continuously been rated one of America’s Top Dentists for General and Cosmetic Dentistry by the Consumers’ Research Council of America. We set the standard for dental services provided by dentists and believe in caring for our patients as if they were family. Dr. Hayhurst is also a certified provider of Invisalign®. Improve your smile with clear aligners!

invisalign logo

Great Teeth, Great Smile, Great Life!

From routine cleanings and fillings to bruxism devices, Scott E Hayhurst, DMD is equipped to handle all your dental needs. So, if you’re looking for a new dentist, or haven’t been to one in a while – we have a full overview of all our services so you can look no further!

Customer Reviews

Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

7337 W Northview St
Boise, ID 83704


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday (Front Desk Only): 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

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